Rabu, Desember 24, 2008

Kelanjutan Love is Blue dan Ketidak-konsistenan Sekolah

Kenapa begitu? Kenapa harus begitu??!

Well, its only a little disorientation from me...
Mr. Agus didn't come exactly at last morning...

Well, i'm not so worry about that...

The song of love is blue become remedial test who got lower marks of arts exam.
And I got 80! Enough. Its rather than my friends who confuse until now...

Yang menganehkan (eh, harusnya yang membuat aneh)...

Keyboard SI dilarang dipakai!!![ironically, its forbidden to use by ISC student, even me!!!]


This is the conversation between me and Mrs Mur about that:

I (I am) : Excuse me, may I borrow the keyboard?
M (bu mur) : for what?
I : to do our exam today.
M: Who will use responsible for it?
I : I am.
M:What kind of test?
I : Arts.
M:How the others?
I : Many kinds, like playing recorder, guitar, etc.
M:Then, who will use the keyboard?
I : He. (point to Satryo)
M : No, I'm afraid I cant. The headmistress told me that the keyboard is forbidden for private use.
I : (Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttt???). OK. NO problem. Thank you.

There is a suspicious.

First, why the headmistress dont allow us to use the keyboard? We dont use it for private use! We use it for school activity too! Klo emank nanti ada kecemburuan, kecemburuan apa??? katanya ntu keyboard punya SI???

Anything that happen, lets flow like water. I'm very sorry about the unconsistency like that.

Senin, Desember 15, 2008


Happy birthday to Aditya Erlangga..

(yang ke 17)

More age..
More sharp..
More readily..
More wise..

and stronger, braver, and smarter than ever...

Be the Best..

Rabu, Desember 10, 2008

Love is Blue


Sekian lamanya saya vakum dalam dunia perhelatan blog...akhirnya saya mendapatkan waktu..
Apa kabar kalian semua..??

Dalam riset selama 1 tahun tentang blog ini (heuu..lama) telah ditetapkan bahwa standar blognya harus rapih n tidak bertele-tele.

Langsung ajah ke topik iah...

Love is blue...ada yang tau???

Mungkin sebagian teman-teman dah tau...
Love is blue adalah....sebuah lagu...

Ya, lagu ntu saya puter 10x sehari, 70x seminggu, 300x sebulan...


Buat ujian Praktek...

Apa saja pertimbangannya??
1. Love is blue adalah lagu standard, klasik, dan simpel.
2. Love is blue adalah lagu evergreen, tentunya pa agus pasti tahu..!!
3. Love is blue adalah lagu yang unik, karena reffnya berada di tangga nada A major, sedangkan lagunya sendiri di A minor (tangga nada C major).
4. Love is blue adalah lagu yang memiliki unsur gitar, harmonisasi piano, orkestrasi, serta band..
5. Love is blue adalah...CInta itu biruuuu......xp

Salut buat Paul Mauriat....(yg nyiptain lagu ini)